Sunday, October 24, 2004

Christians and Halloween? You have to think about it?

Halloween, the day used to observe the haunted and the zombied, falls on a Sunday this year. Cities and towns across America usually designate the evening and hours that trick-or-treating will be observed. Since the observance in on a Sunday, some municipalities have decided to set the activities on the preceding Saturday evening. Some city leaders say this is for security reasons, some will even admit that they all reluctant, if even for political reasons, to promote what many see as a satanic holiday, on a Sunday.

A story in our local newspaper had the headline, “Sunday trick-or-treating irks some local residents”. I was amazed, not shocked, at some of the comments of local residents. One person let it be known that they are Christians, and that they trick-or-treat, but to have the activity on a Sunday evening was unfair, because it forced them to chose what to do. One local leader was quoted as saying that he was against Halloween, that he considered it a celebration of witches and demons. One city leader proposed moving trick-or-treating to Saturday while another voted against the move.

It is unbelievable that someone who openly confesses to be a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ would feel like they would have to make a choice between worshipping the Lord or being a part of a Satanic, occultic observance. Going into an explanation of the roots and true meaning of Halloween at this point seems almost useless. The fact of the matter is that most folks, let me rephrase that, most “Christians” know the ture meaning of Halloween but they choose to celebrate it anyway.

Have we gotten so far off track that this should ever be an issue? Tragically, I would say the answer is yes. But sadly, many will let their families be a part of Halloween and claim to serve the King of Kings as well.

Here is the truth; you cannot do both. I know that many will say that this sounds intolerant and fanatical, but you can’t say you follow the Lord Jesus and be a part of Halloween at the same time. It is totally contrary to scripture. But unfortunately, this has never stopped many before.
We are reaping what we have sowed for so long; the seeds of selfishness, the seeds of compromise, the seeds of disobedience, the seeds of ignoring and perverting scripture. The harvest that we will reap will be much of the same that we have brought in over these many years; corruption, discontent, failure and eventually judgment.

The Word of God tells us that God is not pleased with our friendship with the world, and you cannot do both. “Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”


At 7:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you.


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