Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween: One More Lesson on Compromise

Once again, Christianity Astray...oops I mean Christianity Today has taken us to the awesome depths of the postmodern understanding of Scripture with this sad and sickening article entitled
Why I Let My Kids Go Trick-or-Treating, by Ellie Lofaro, a columnist for Today's Christian Woman.

This article is really a lesson in just how shallow and selfish we have become, and how easy it seems to be for so many to disregard the Word of God.

In the story, Mrs. Lofaro relates an encounter with one of her peers,

"Hi, Ellie!" shouted Debbie, the PTA president. "We haven't seen you at any meetings recently. We're starting to plan for the spring fair. Let me know which booth you'd like to man. I recall you have some talent!"
I continued to burp the newborn and assured Debbie I'd attend the next meeting. Then, as I headed into the house, Debbie called out, "Hey, why aren't your kids trick-or-treating? No costume? No candy? No fun?"
I swallowed hard. She and her entourage were waiting—and wondering. Their herd of kids had run to the next house, the women had grown quiet, and for a moment, I could hear the autumn air.
"Well, we don't really celebrate Halloween. It's, ugh, a bit complicated."
They turned and walked away, but not before Debbie threw up her arms and shouted back with raw emotion, "But they're only children!"

Then she relates how her family decided that Halloween wasn't so bad after all, after her children shared their feelings:

"Please let us go trick-or-treating next year. We always play dress up and we have so many hats and costumes and wigs, so you don't have to buy any and we only want to get some candy and have fun with our friends! We know Satan is bad and we love Jesus, and I'm sure he'd walk around with us and get candy if he was here."
I wiped her wet face and held her closely. As I stroked her hair, I smiled as I pictured Jesus, as a boy, walking through Nazareth and receiving sweets from the local women during the Feast of Purim, a celebration of the Jewish people's deliverance from destruction at the hands of Haman. My thoughts were interrupted as the younger two approached the couch to show support. Jordan spoke first.
"We won't do any bad things. We'll be Christians for Halloween." Capri shuffled anxiously and said, "We weally just want a wittle candy and I'm gonna be Pooh Bear. Pooh is vewy nice."
So on October 31, 1995, the Lofaro children went trick-or-treating for the first time. They dressed as a clown, a pirate, and, of course, Pooh Bear. The innocence and wonder of childhood are too brief."

Feelings, emotions, experience and imagination took over and the commands of the Lord God take a back seat. I would ask Mrs. Lefora if while going house to house, did she and her family pass out tracts or engage some other forms of direct evangelism. Perhaps they did, and perhaps for the Lefora family trick-or-treating is merely going out getting candy while dressed in funny costumes.

But regardless, Halloween is directly contradictory to the mandates of Scripture, even if the Roman church tries to "christianize" it. Whether I have fun or not or can create a reason in my own selfish logic to justify observing it, to celebrate Halloween is sin.

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. "
Ephesians 5:11

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils" 1 Corinthians 10:20


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