NRB Hosts Conference Featuring Contemplative Heretics
(NOTE: In response to a comment I received from a reader, I have removed Phil Cooke's name from the commentary below. While I am very familiar with the teachings of McManus and Sweet, and I believe them to be heretical, I am not that familiar with the work of Mr. Cooke. Therefore I have chosen to remove his name as being included in that comment. I do however reserve the option to learn more of Mr. Cooke's ministry and will make more comment later. Thank you)
How sad, how sad. I received a notice in the mail the other day from the National Religious Broadcasters inviting me to be a part of Reach 2007, heralded as "a unique opportunity to connect with visionaries, futurists, media strategists, and producers who understand the next generation of media and recognize how it will change the world."
Sounds good right to want to change the world? Well how will they do it? It will be pulled off through the heresy of such people as Leonard Sweet and Erwin MacManus.
This is a very disturbing development and I am extremely disappointed in the NRB. As I have said many times, I am disappointed but not surprised. Yet another reason why we must stand firm and faithful to the true Gospel.
Recommended Resources for background on the meaning of contemplative spirituality:
Lighthouse Trails Research
Slice of Laodecia
Brian Flynn and One Truth Ministries
Contemplative Prayer and the Evangelical Church by Ray Yungen
Everyone is intitled to their opinion.
I'd love to hear why you consider Phil Cooke a "heretic." When someone is speaking with others you assume they hold the exact same beliefs?
You might want to do a bit of research before you make such blanket statements.
Yes, please do tell us why you think Mr. Cooke is a heretic...I would love to hear your perspective. Thanks!
Man I dont know who you are but you could not be more off based when speaking of such visionaries as Erwin MacManus and Phil Cooke but like you said every one is intitled to their opinion no matter how crazy and off base it is.
Michael Dalton
Since when is "contemplative" a heretical practice? The history of the Christian church is deeply rooted in contemplative elements. I'm not talking about "eastern mysticism" (which Sweet, McManus, or Cooke are not known to embrace), but rather historical Xn contemplative practices.
The web sites you offer (Slice, Lighthouse) are not the places I would look for balanced information on church history. Some have called "Slice" borderline cultic for their quick judgements, guilt-by-association, and heavy-handed approach to those who disagree with their leaders' viewpoints (Ken, etc.).
You really should go to Reach and see what it's about before making such blanket pronouncements. I went last year and it's nothing like you portray. The NRB should be commended. Big Hair isn't happening any more..
God bless,
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