Monday, November 01, 2004

"Thou Will be done?"

We in America are just hours away from the election of our leader, the President. Many have said that this is one of the most important elections in the history. Some say that all elections are important. I agree on both counts. I do however have an extreme sense of urgency with this election. This definite sense of urgency, even desperation, began back with Clinton administration, fueled during the 2004 election, and now has been heightened with this campaign.

As I see it, this situation is larger than even choosing Bush or Kerry as the next president. I am endorsing President Bush for re-election. That is clear. However we face a point of crisis in America that we have never faced before.

I read a column recently in Agape Press by Matt Friedeman. Matt is a pastor, college professor and talk show host. The title of his article was “Grace for Our Nation, and Not What We Deserve; The Last Thing Our Country Needs Is What We Have Earned for Ourselves . In that piece, Matt shares a prayer given by a fellow pastor at a prayer meeting, in which he prayed that God give us grace, and not what we really deserve. I would add that what we really deserve is judgment.

Think about it, we have witnessed the murder of 1.5 million unborn babies each and every year and call it choice. We promote the elimination of life from the embryo to the elderly and call it research or quality of life. We accept and promote the destruction of the foundation of our society, the family, through homosexual marriage, filth in the media, perversion in public education and call it tolerance.

As a people we are willing to allow our flag to burned, our troops to be criticized and mocked, our money to be used to fund the Cross in a jar of urine and call it “art” and we call it “free speech”.

As a church, we preach, teach, condone and promote everything else under the sun, except what the Word of God teaches and we call it evangelism. We gather in buildings and give out one cold snack a week and then stand in amazement when members are unequipped and defeated. We stand on this earth, denying the very foundations of our faith, without courage or resolve, and are deceived into thinking we are making a difference, while a world is dieing and going to hell.

Yes, grace is what we need, whether the choice is Bush or Kerry, God give us grace, and not what we really deserve.


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