Monday, October 03, 2005

Sleeping With the Enemy Can Keep You Up at Night

The cleanup and rebuilding process following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina is ongoing of course. Although the Mississippi gulf coast received less media coverage than the New Orleans area, the state is making up for it now with the hot issue of the demand by casinos along the coast to move off the water and onto land.

I will say first of all that I do not want casinos in Mississippi or anywhere else for matter, on land or water. My position on “gaming” (which is the politically correct way of saying gambling) has been clearly noted in print and on the air. Gambling is the most closely held open secret vehicle of destruction in history. Great efforts are made to fool the general public concerning the destructiveness of gambling, and this includes not only the gambling industry, but governments, politicians, economic leaders and yes even some “faith-based” organizations. The crazy thing about it all however, is that the dangers have been made known and they are by and large ignored anyway.

The local newspapers were full of op/ed pieces today, mostly in support of the casino demands and being critical of those who oppose inland casinos, especially the efforts of the Mississippi Baptist Convention, of which I am a part.

It is understandable when you read the newspaper editorials that they would not want to say anything that would insult the gamblers. I mean you don’t bit the hand that feeds you right? And we know that they receive a lot of sales revenue from the “boats" don’t they?

Some of it can be attributed to fact that a lot of the gambling supporters, the media, the politicians and the like, frequent the casinos themselves, and all that is included with them such as alcohol and the like.

As disappointed as I am with politicians and business leaders, I am more disgusted by the lack of opposition from Christians. I expect some politicians and civic leaders to be spineless and to go whichever direction the crowd goes. I may be naive, however there is part of me that still expects Christians to follow Christ. I guess I am weird that way. It is so sad that we have so much time and resources to spend on making church seeker-sensitive, user-friendly and fun loving, and spend almost nothing on defending the faith and standing for truth and righteousness. I hold the leaders responsible for being timid and caring more about sparing peoples feelings that preaching the Word.

I hate to sound skeptical, but my gut feeling is that in this sinful, selfish society, and in the case of inland casinos, the gambling industry will get want they want, when they want and how they want it. As I have said on the radio before, when you go to bed with a harlot, be prepared for the consequences, and it seems that many people like it that way.


At 8:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do great harm to the body of Christ. You render your witness ineffective with your name calling and aping the voices of others. You are supposed to be a minister, one who delivers the word from God; Well in my scriptures, I do not see where Christ went arond mimicking politicians and calling them names. I too am conservtive, and do agree with some of the things that you have to say, but I would never listen to a sermon of yours--speaking of sermons, what was that thing you played the other Friday morning; we hung our head in shame for that poor fella-God bless his ignorant soul. He needs to learn to read. Y'all just need to stay on the other side of the Mississippi River with some of the ignorance that y'all bring over here--you make us all (conservative Christians) look like backward country dimwits. Get a clue brother; stop the name calling.

At 9:00 AM , Blogger Michael Corley said...

Thank you Christine for your email. I am glad to receive such comments, as they tend to prove a lot of points. While I will agree that at times I can be harsh in my zeal to proclaim the truth, I can not, and will not, recant the message. I would suppose that when the Lord Jesus called the religious leaders of His time "hypocrites", "vipers" or "white-washed walls", He was acting improperly, in light of the point you have made. Is the way I present the message that you have a problem with, or is it the message itself? If someone of a more quiet demeanor or personality were to present the same points, would you be as troubled with it? I don't know what scriptures you are reading or what church you attend. However, I question an opinion that would chastise me on being harsh to politicians and charging believers, especially pastors, to be faithful to the Gospel, yet in the same breath cast unkind remarks about someone who is less blessed as some. Christine, it is not a matter of conservative or liberal, republican or democrat. It is a matter of being faithful to the Word and the cause of Christ.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16

"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
2 Timothy 4;1-5

At 7:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Perkins has said that the Clarion Ledger was racist during the civil rights movement, well, so was the Mississippi Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. We had planks in our platform denouncing intergration and any form of race mixing. I have some copies of the resolutions and will be happy to send him copies. When the Clarion Ledger was owned by the Herderman brothers, it was an instrument of the racist groups advocating segregation. Since it has been under the ownership of Gannett News service, the paper has beome much more liberal employing Negro editors. I am a baptized baptist, who believes the truth should be told.


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