Wednesday, June 01, 2005

What have you done for me lately, stupid!

You have heard that phrase many times. It's a take off on a phrase associated with former President Bill Clinton. But in today's post-modern society, it signifies the shallowness of many people in their willingness to accept anything and overlook a lot, if they are just loaded up with enough goodies.

Sadly, the same seems to be the case in many areas of the country.

In the area where are company is based, one local leader is being heralded as the greatest thing to happen to since the erection of the Mississippi River Bridge. He is being credited for bringing economic success to the area on a level that is, to some, unprecedented.It is amazing to listen to civic, business and spiritual leaders offer praise for the condition of the area, noting the beauty of the scenery and the improvements to streets and sidewalks, while side stepping the obvious problems.

But I must say that I agree with one person who told me that this leader is one of the greatest landscapers he has ever seen, but he is a very poor leader overall. Many have asked where are the jobs that were promised? Where does the money go? Why is there ongoing turmoil and disorganization in law enforcement?

Yes, more casinos could be coming to the area. But are we ready to accept all the conditions that will come with the boats? Apparently, many folks are willing to accept the casinos, and the degradation and filth that come with them, if it means that it will get something in their pockets.

Yes, the outside looks pretty, but it is a façade. I for one am not willing to accept anything or anyone just to get something in return. Bringing in more money and planting more trees is not worth allowing more of the same sinful, selfish enterprise that have set up shop in our area.

I can say that for whatever reason, I have been privy to a lot of inside information, I have heard many conversations that were conducted in my presence, and I have been made aware of too many instances that involved the leadership, that can only lead me to beleive that leadership is morally bankrupt and leading it citizens down a slippery slope to further decay.

Behind the scenes remarks toward individuals and groups, under the table business deals and immoral conduct and conversation are commonplace. But if he can make things seem sweet enough, then many are willing to overlook someone’s obvious, blantant weaknesses and sinful behavior. Having this attitude with your local grocery store manager is one thing, having this attitude with a high ranking political figure is reprehensible.

So why are so many who claim the name of Christ ready to just plop down at the feet of someone who is an unashamed hedonist? Can most people be bought off with parks, golf courses, good lawns, flowers and banners?

Why sure they can. Why? Because…. What have you done for me lately, stupid!


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