People need the Lord, even Rush
A newspaper reporter called me the other day. He said that his paper wanted to do a follow-up story on our radio station and our decision to change the format to all Christian programming. More than that, they really wanted to focus on why I was canceling the Rush Limbaugh program.
I tried to relate to this young reporter that the reason we were making the change was because we felt led of the Lord to do so and we were going to be obedient to that call. I am sure I related that clearly enough, but I am not sure if he really grasped the concept.
To tell you the truth, I am getting a little tired of having to explain to “Rush-factor”. However, it does give me the opportunity to share with folks the mission of the work and move the focus on the Lord.
It also gives me tremendous insight into the sad state of man and reaffirms to me why we are doing what we are doing; that we are a sinful people in desperate need of the Savior.
I continued to be amazed that with everything that is going on in our area and around the world, so many can concentrate so much time, energy and resource on something like a radio show featuring a self-centered and often profane and obscene host.
What is more disappointing is the number of those who claim the Name of Christ and who are not appalled by the Rush Limbaughs of this world. I had a conversation recently with a very nice lady, who said she was a believer and I be she is sincere, who said she loved to listen to Rush. I pointed out to her that Rush had become more and more profane in his language and topics in the last couple of years and that we could not continue to condone such behavior.
She restated her love for Rush, and when I asked her if I could repeat to her some of the nasty content of Rush’s program, she recoiled and said, “No please, I don’t want to hear that!”
I asked her the question, and I pose it to all of you, why is it okay to drive around in your car, or sit in your home or office, and listen to a filthy radio program, but it is unacceptable for someone to say it to you personally?
The fact of the matter is this, these instances involving the Rush program, the radio station and the public, are sad indications of the condition of people in general. We, and I mean mostly Christians here, have become comfortable with and accepting of sin. 1 Timothy 4:2 speaks of the fact that in the latter times, “some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”
Over time, we have allowed the doors of our heart to be cracked open and the enemy has taken advantage of that opening to deceive many, to convince so many that God’s Word is not actually that and we have allowed our conscience to become seared over with compromise and ignorance. Thus when the lie comes, we are totally oblivious to it and accept it with open hearts and open arms.
There was a time when we would cringe in shame and embarrassment if we listened to a radio program or read a book of heard a joke that had bad language in it or even had questionable content. Today, we accept it and chuckle and refuse to say anything to the contrary and in support of our Lord.
John 3:16 is a scripture that many of us learned as children and can recite by heart. But three verses down, is a verse that distinctly applies to our world today, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
Until our affections are turned, and OUR desires are burned in the flames of consecration, until hearts are changed, many who claim the Name of the Lord, are actually be nothing more than deceived and lost.
Holiness is not optional, it is mandatory and we are failing miserably.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
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