Yo, wassup dog?
crunk adj 1. extremely fun. ("That party was so crunk that I didn't want to end.") 2. excited, hyper; eager to go out and do something. Also crunked up. ("I'm crunk right now - lets go to a party.") 3. angry. ("She got all crunk when she found out he cheated on her.") 4. See also get crunk with (one).
Recently over 300 teenagers practically rioted at a local mall, following a fight that broke and escalated into the frenzy that it became. City police and county sheriff’s deputies were called in to get the situation under control and arrests were made.
Local police say they can expect some of this type of behavior, but this incident was more than usual. This malay broke out after a late night movie, and sadly, those who were at the front of the punching line were girls. The local newspaper said that five juveniles were arrested for violating the city’s curfew law. The ages of those arrested were 13,and 15 years old.
One of the 13 year old girls said that they just wanted to “get crunk and fight.” Crunk? What in the world is crunk?
Apparently my lack of BET and MTV knowledge leaves me with this blank look on my face as I try to figure what “crunk” means. I guess I am behind on my latest dose of Snoop Dogg and the other pervs who come up with this trash.
Several questions come to mind. 1. Where are the parents of these kids? Yes I said kids! Apparently, the parents either don’t care or are complete morons when it comes to knowing what these little darlins are doing at the mall. Secondly, if there is a curfew law, why is it not being enforced properly and completely?
The newspaper article goes on to say that during the summer time, many kids are dropped off at the mall and spend the entire day there. I know I am considered ancients by many today (I am only 43). But when I was a kid my parents knew were I was and made sure that I knew the consequences of doing something I should not be doing.
It seems to me that the parents of these mall-kids should be forced to be responsible, and they should pay the piper if they refuse, either because of lack of concern or just plain old laziness.
I hate to say it again, but when we force feed kids a nonstop diet of BET, and shroud them with a permissive and undisciplined attitude, what can we expect but the same; lazy, dumb and irresponsible little “us’es”
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