This is a wicked and perverse generation!
Our culture’s lack of decency and our plunge into decadence has not become more apparent than with the case of Terry Schiavo.
I have been appalled and saddened by the comments and actions of so many citizens of this “civilized nation” we call America, who is more in favor of humane treatment of a dog than for this young woman in Florida.
As of this writing, the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a request from Terry’s parents to have a stay issued, which would allow the feeding tube to be replaced, while further legal options are considered.
The godless, gutless cowards called the Supreme Court, the appellate courts, districts courts, the Democrat party, the liberals they all have said no. This is not only unbelievable, but a travesty! Our society has gone completely crazy and all I can say is come quickly Lord Jesus.
When a society of people can choose the life of a snail darter over the lives of the disabled or the unborn, then we have truly become a godless and perverted people. The state of America should now be clearly seen as LOST.
The only hope we have is that God Himself directly intervene and force so many to judgment.
God help us.
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