Purpose Driven or God-Led? They are not the same and you must choose!
The controversy continues! The mess called Purpose Driven continues to garnish both praise and condemnation.
The most recent situation in my area, which spread across the nation somewhat, is an article by Bible professor, pastor, radio talk show host and columnist Matt Friedeman. Matt is based in Jackson, Mississippi and host a daily radio show on American Family Radio in addition to a column on AFA’s website.
His most recent contribution is entitled “Where do I stand on Rick Warren?” In his column Freideman writes, “Despise him?(Warren) Only if you are jealous. Or you have some kind of quibble with his use of technology and contemporary music and the fact that he never buttons up for a church service. Time for some of us to grow up and get over it.”
It is obvious, and disappointing, that Dr. Freideman has endorsed PDL so enthusiastically, and to tell you the truth I was kind of shocked to learn of his position. What’s more disappointing is the fact that he tries to make this a situation of immature believers attacking Rick Warren personally. Nothing could be further from the truth and to make such assumptions are totally inaccurate and irresponsible.
I do not know Dr. Freideman personally but I have had some exchanges with him professionally. I have admired his work very much especially in his stands in support of the sanctity of life. I have listen to his radio show many times and have learned a lot from it. In fact he was a guest on my radio show once. But he is way off base on this issue and has received major feedback on it. It was encouraging for me to read of so many who also see the error in PDL and that I am not alone.
Rick Warren or not, the Purpose Driven church growth movement is false teaching and should be opposed. It’s shallow and incomplete doctrine, it’s cavalier handing of scripture, its market-driven secular methodology and its replacing of the Bible with the PDL books clearly proves that it is not of God and should be avoided.
Now, more specific details have come out that Rick Warren personally associates with and collaborates with in ministry, proponents of new age teaching and philosophy such as Neil Donald Walsh, Ken Blanchard ,Robert Schuller and many others.
Recently at a kick-off for his global PEACE plan, he opened the “festivities” with a personal rendition of Jimmy Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” in which the church band played back up for him.
Come on people, how much more do we need to see or read to realize that this man is a false prophet and is deceivingly leading so many down a road of false salvation.
I continue to be amazed and saddened at how so many have fallen hook, line and sinker for this PDL/seeker sensitive garbage. But then I think that if something came along that would allow people to live anyway that want to, not have to be concerned with such things as guilt and shame and sin, and then also give them God’s approval, then what sinner, and apparently some so-called saints, would say no to that.
I have been extremely hesitant before today to declare Purpose Driven/seeker sensitive heresy. But now I am fully convinced. This philosophy, doctrine, movement, whatever you want to call it is not of God and is heresy and its prophets are false.
In the love of Christ and in all Christian compassion, I call upon those who teach and promote this false doctrine, and those who follow it, to repent and turn to God through the Lord Jesus Christ while there is still time to do so.
Lord help us.
We have available on our website radio interviews, teachings as well as excerpts from our radio program that deal with Purpose Driven and Rick Warren, including an interview with Warren on FOX News. Also you will find interviews with Dr. John MacArthur and Warren Smith, author of the book "Deceived on Purpose. This and a lot more are available on our website at http://www.mikecorley.org.
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Amen Mr. Corley......
I LOVE a clear sound in a confusing time...
Truth is ..Rick Warren is a false prophet ...
He cleverly dismisses all who recognize it ..and calls them wicked and hateful...
No..wicked and hateful is trying to establish a kingdom on earth using new age teachers and false gospels while trying to emulate Christianity as much as possible.
God is not the author of Confusion , nor does GOD endorse kicking Faithful Beleivers from Church when they question the removal of the Cross, the devaluation of the Gospel, the introuduction of the devils music, the embracing of the worlds philosophers, and the open contempt for the great cloud of faithful witnesses who have passed before us.
This is OUR time to STAND ..and to declare who we STAND with ..and ..who we stand opposed to.
I stand with The UNCHANGING GOD OF SCRIPTURES....The One and Only Eternal Jehovah God... who by His Only Son Jesus Christ has saved me..and given me His Holy Spirit ..which recognizes a sheep scatterer and Church defiler every time...
Woe to the false shepherds...who dream big dreams, and speak of vain things , whom the LORD has not sent...
God will repay ...He Hates this stuff
Mr. Corley...
There is never a bad time to be affiliated and aligned with THE ROCK ...AND GODS WORD ....NEVER
I say AMEN as well.
It seems as though some folks are 'willfully ignorant' when it comes to this truth about Rick Warren and the church growth movement and nothing but God revealing the truth will change their minds and sadly some will defend it to their death. Someone once said this type of following is like the 'herd mentality' and this certainly seems to be the case with this movement.
The ones that have been shown the error of this have no excuse when they stand before God and answer to HIM as we all will.
Mr. Corley thank you for your truth on this matter.
Anonymous ...wonderful comments as well!
The TRUTH certainly will set us free indeed!!
Bravo Mr. Corley. Perhaps if more truth speaking peer pastors would disclose their opinions as you have, the "herd", along with the Word. . . .could see their way back to the fold.
A resounding Amen! here as well.
Stand for TRUTH = Stand for JESUS.
Honor TRUTH = Honor the WORD.
JESUS is the WORD.
Thank you for clarity and saying what may not be popular but resides on the straight and narrow.
Jesus bless,
I am purposely writing to THANK YOU for speaking out on purpose about Rick Warren's purpose for Purpose Driven literature. There would be no purpose for the sale of this kind of literature if people would read God's Word instead of purposely looking for an easy route to their higher purpose.
"I didn't do it on purpose" is going to be a sorry excuse when we face our Lord one day.
I've been doing some investigating since last week's "fire storm" and I have learned some amazing things.
Rick Warren is not only associated with Neale Donald Walsch but Walsch is now hooked up with William Spady, called the Father of Outcome Based Education. So Warren is the driving force behind training the churched in General Systems Theory while Spady is the force in training children and school employees in General Systems Theory. Warren is plainly following Drucker and Spady is also. Warren is one of the main Judas goats leading the majority into Globalism. For those who are interested do a search on Warren + Spady + Walsch. It's astounding. Then go here: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1506ch13.html
Carol... Amen
The only thing worse than having your Pastor embrace Rick warren new age teachinsg , is for each of us individually to imbibe on the devils poison...
God has allowed this end time delusion so as to unmistakeably mark those who are HIS ..and who will NOT follow another Jesus , another gospel, and another "spirit".
Stay on The Rock.. The Word of GOD.
It hasnt failed yet, but is only as good as the ones who call themselves Beleivers Trust in it as being Authoratative in their individual lives.
Rick Warren is a false prophet ...and, as one, is loved by the world and the worlds' media ...Mark and avoid.
God Bless You all... you are all getting the chance to be counted as Faithful ..what a privilige !!!!!!!!!!
Al Glory and Praise to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ...to the GLORY of GOD THE FATHER !!!!
I have a problem with the teachings of Mr. Warren when it comes to the "community" aspect of learning. I went through the series in a local church and I will say I was turned off by the shallow thought that it took to complete the book. However, there were people there that never knew Christ and this gave them a chance to learn a portion of what Church is about. At least they are in Church now.
The music with a secular beat and presentation gets the attention of seekers. At least they are in Church now.
The messages of God's love v.s. God's wrath gives people comfort and lets the person decide if Christianity is for them instead of being "scared strait". AT LEAST THEY ARE IN CHURCH NOW!!!
Consider the competition for their souls. Our society has caused folks to have a very short attention span. To compete with the Devil and his army, we MUST catch the non-believer between innings. If we can get these people in Church, whatever Church, they then can grown to a level of belief that will give them knowledge to decide if the Church they are attending is healthy for their souls.
God Loves us all and I think a movement toward God, of any kind, is a good thing. AT LEAST THE ARE IN CHURCH NOW.
Mat 7:22
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
What . . .no rebuttals ?
After reading on Wicca for a half hour it was time to come up for a breath of fresh air. In my pursuit to come back to some acceptable teaching I stumbled upon this page. Currently I am reading PDL. I understand it is soft and mushy at best.
Will some of you who condemn Warren as if he is Lucifier himself please provide me more detail into why he is misusing scripture and how ALL his philosophies are wrong? He waters down the gospel, but he actually makes great points on worship, fellowship, etc.
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