Friday, November 12, 2004

Arafat is gone, thank the Lord.

Well Yasser Arafat is dead and buried………. boo-hoo. I guess he finally knows the truth about those 72 virgins.

Sarcasm aside, while the spineless French government and socialist Jesse Jackson herald Arafat as a world leader, humanitarian and freedom fighter, the rest of honest folk realize that he was one of the prolific killers of modern times.

All of the problems that we are having on this planet dealing with terrorism can be directly attributed to the evil mind of Yasser Arafat. It was Arafat that conceived the tactic of strapping bombs to the bodies of children and sending them into crowded shopping malls and blowing themselves up. It was Arafat that said he would annihilate the state of Israel and push them into the sea.

Well, I got news for that old boy, as well as Hitler, Eichmann, and all the others who said they would annhilate the Jews. They failed, they are dead and gone and ISRAEL LIVES ON! Israeli leaders had a lot more gong for them than I would have had. I would have ended the misery of Yasser a long time ago.

Add to all of this the fact that Arafat bilked millions of dollars from his own people while they starved, while his “wife” lives a lavish life style in France; not to mention the stories that Arafat was also a pedophile, and you can’t help but come away saying, “I don’t doubt it”.

So all we have to watch now is which set of satanic muslim nuts will come forward to take Arafat’s place as head barbarian. The situation in the Middle East is even more unstable and we as Christians are more convinced that the coming of the King is near. And let us not forget the words of scripture in Genesis 12:3 in regards to how we should feel about Israel,“, I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Thou thinketh too much!

Well, the election is over, the polls and big networks were wrong, President Bush has mandate from the nation and the democrats are searching for answers why. I love it!

I must admit that even I was surprised by the President’s margin of victory, and even more surprised that he captured particular states. Nevertheless, we are grateful to the Almighty for the outcome.

Now we watch with amazement the scampering of the Democrats as they desperately seek a reason for why they lost or more so how they miscalculated the voters. Experts and (Lord help us) the polls tell us that the American people’s major concern was the stands the candidates had in the areas of morals and family values.

I personally was excited to find out that so many evangelical Christians went to the polls and voted their convictions. I will admit I was kind of hard on most evangelicals, with the hope and prayer that they would wake up and get busy. Gladly, the sleeping giant apparently did wake up and made a difference.

Now the dems are asking themselves, ‘what went wrong?’. The answer that they have come with is that they need to learn the “language of values”. The “language of values”? What does that mean? As usual, the liberal mind seemingly cannot understand that it is not about knowing what to say, but believing and living what the words represent. In fact, John Kerry tried to be “religious”, by proposing to be catholic, while at the same time rejecting the teachings of his church. He visited mostly black congregations, clapped his hands and swayed to the music, and even quoted scripture, although incorrectly. He said he supported the sanctity of human life, but voted in favor of abortion on demand and partial birth abortion.

In other words, John Kerry could talk the talk, but he could not walk the walk. Instead of trying to learn the lingo of Christians and especially evangelical Christians, why not examine what it is that we believe and try to comprehend that the majority of Americans believe as evangelicals do; that the family is the core foundation of our culture, that ending the lives of millions of unborn children is murder and not a choice, that marriage is reserved for one man and one woman, that there is such a thing as absolute right and absolute wrong.

If you are a liberal leaning, liberal thinking democrat, you are just going to have to face some facts;

· The majority of Americans do not favor your outlandish ideology
· The majority of Americans believe in the biblical concepts of right and wrong
· Bill Clinton, Al Gore, CBS, NBC, CNN and Hollywood do not represent the heart of America, in fact just the opposite.
· Most importantly, accept the fact that you lost.

Now, evangelicals Christians must face the fact that we cannot let our guard down, we must stay on the offensive, and now that we have the momentum, we must turn the world upside down and make a difference. Stay loaded and ready. The game is not over.