Thursday, October 05, 2006

The "Sexy Christians"

While Christians in other parts of the world are struggling to proclaim the Gospel and many are being killed for their stand for Christ, the American church is focusing on our purpose and significance, and now rappin about sex. Check out this video report from CNN about a "church" in Oregon and their special services dealing with sex. The subject matter is shocking.

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, " 2 Corinthians 6:17

CNN Reports: "Sexy Christians"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Altar Call, Is it Biblical?

Considering my extensive Southern Baptist background, just asking the question 'are altar calls biblical?' brings shivers to most of the church members and pastors I know. In fact, I will probably be accused of blasphemy. Nevertheless, here is a great discussion on the subject from our friend Ray Comfort on Christian Worldview Network. I am planning on doing a radio program on the subject in the next couple of weeks.

Play it Again by Ray Comfort

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

LifeWay partnering with New Agers and doesn't mind admiting it

What in the world is going at LifeWay Stores? The Christian bookstore chain owned by the Southern Baptist Convention have been accused by numerous sources (one that I know very well personally) of selling and condoning authors that are the least new age sympathizers and at the most openly admit to being new agers.

Check out this piece on Lighthouse Trails relating a letter sent to LifeWay from a concerned believer and the weak response fromLifeWay.

Is the SBC gone over the edge? Has the seeker-sensitive, user-friendly christianity light cancer taken over the "largest protestant denomination" in America?

Lifeway Stores Says OK to New Age Sympathizing Authors

The Dangers of Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Disciplines
Pastor Bob DeWaay

We live in an age of mysticism. People lust for spiritual reality and spiritual experiences. The danger is that unbiblical practices will give people a real spiritual experience, but not from God. Deception is the likely outcome. God puts a boundary around the means by which we come to Him and grow in Him for our own protection. If we ignore the boundary set by Biblical guidelines, there is no telling were we will end up. If however, we come to God on His terms, knowing that we have a High Priest who is at the right hand of God, and that we have access through His blood into the holiest place, we can be assured we cannot be any closer to God this side of heaven.

“Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Grow Not Weary in Well Doing

I read this very encouraging piece on the Together for the Gospel blog today by Dr. Ligon Duncan. I have come to greatly appreciate the ministry of Dr. Duncan and I know this short word will be a great encouragement to all who stand in the trenches for the caus eof our Lord. I know it blessed me.

Spurgeon on the Ministry and Trials
by Dr. J. Ligon Duncan
Together for the Gospel

Peace, peace..Warren says peace

Our friend James Sundquist was a guest on our radio program today discussing his latest book, "Rick Warrens Global PEACE Plan vs. Scriptural Teachings on Peace". Warren has said that he believes it (P.E.A.C.E. plan) will herald in a new worldwide spiritual awakening in the 21st century. It will definbtely have a spiritual significance, but it will not be led by the Lord God.

James Sundquist has done extensive work exposing the Purpose Driven Life heresy and we were honored to have him join us.

Click here to listen to James Sundquist on The Mike Corley Program, Monday October 2, 2006