Why Do They Do It?
I am a 43-year-old man who has seen a lot in my life. I have experienced more than most have or should. My diploma in the school of hard knocks is well documented. And still, I stand amazed at the length that people will go to in their obsession with things evil.
A friend of mine will often tell me, “Why are you surprised when a heathen acts like a heathen?” Even though I should see things coming and be familiar with the sinful nature of mankind, I am still stunned and sometimes shocked, by what I see.
Millions of abortions, sexual perversion, children kidnapped tortured and killed, the sick and infirmed killed as an act of “mercy”, gambling, drugs, etc. are all accepted and condoned by societies everywhere. Corrupt leaders, government sanctioned murders and the seemingly unwillingness of authorities to stand for what is right is a thing of the past.
Read the newspapers, go online, talk to someone you know, or listen to talk radio and you will quickly see just how far down the slope of evil this world had slid.
I have conversations with people all the time, and a lot of them who claim to be Christians, who will listen to me talk about the lostness of our culture, and they will look at me like I am a member of a newly discovered lost tribe, a never before seen or heard of civilization.
So, back to my question, why do they do it? Why do so many, even many who claim the Name of Christ, persist in their selfish, self-centered infatuation with sin? And as to those who say they are followers of the Lord Jesus, how can they continue in their sin, and still consider themselves to be in His will?
As I was listening to a sermon by Dr. John MacArthur, it came to me. Why do they do what they do? It’s because “THEY LIKE IT!”
Sounds too simple doesn’t it? But look at what the Lord Jesus said Himself in the 3rd chapter of the book of John:
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Again, why do they do it? They like it. They like their sin, they like living in their sin. There is pleasure in sin…for a season. Furthermore, they like their sin, but they hate the Light even more, and the Light is Christ.
Some of you will wince at the statement that you hate the Light; you will curse me and call me judgmental and divisive. Yet, in spite of the name-calling and the emotional rhetoric, those of you who are CHINO’s (Christians in name only) cannot deny the facts in the light of scripture. To deny the facts is to be spiritually and intellectually dishonest, and ultimately sad and unnecessary.
Finally, as the Lord tells us that there are those who love the darkness rather than the light, to truly follow the Light is to hate this world and things of it; it is to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him. To continue to live the lie that you can be of Christ, without obedience to His Word, to claim ‘another gospel’ as being that true Gospel, can only cause one to stumble on the cross of the Lord and to selfishly,deliberately and sinfully wade through the Blood of the One who gave Himself for you.
Choose the day whom you will serve.