Quote of the Day
"Unless he obeys, a man cannot believe."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"...ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 3
From Slice of Laodecia comes this story of the "ministry" XXXChurch.com and their shameful, ,and sadly all to common refusal of some who call themselves Christians, "to come out from among them and be seperate". You have got to read this story and especially the commentary by Ingrid Schlueter.
I am a great admirer of Ingrid Schlueter and this commentary on the state of evangelicalism today is gold. Please read this!
As I said below, there have been several good commentaries on the Haggard scandal, and I suggest you read this one by Phil Johnson. The post is published on one of Phil's websites at http://teampyro.blogspot.com. Among many others responsibilities, Phil Johnson is the executive director of Grace to You.
Since the Ted Haggard story broke, I have wanted to write a commentary on it, but have held back because I didn't want to sound condescending but at the same time not backdown from our responsibiltiy to obedience.