Saturday, November 20, 2004

Take me out to a ballgame? Not without protection!

Okay, I know the title is about baseball, but even that sport can apply to what I have to write about here.

Let me start by saying that I am a sports fan. I enjoy watching a game on TV from time to time and have even been known to go to a live event. I was ,at one time in my life, a competitive athlete. In fact many would say that I was a pretty good shooting guard who should have played at least college ball.

But I have got to tell ya, the older I get, the less and less I care a flying flip about sports!

On Friday, November 19, millions of people watched an absolute brawl that erupted at a NBA basketball game between the Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons.

For those of you who may know the players, or even care, the Pistons Ben Wallace (flowing afro and all) drove to the hoop, for apparently what was going to be a thunderous slam-dunk. Indiana Pacer forward Ron Artest had a better idea, deciding to hack Wallace on the arm and take him down a notch or two. Comparatively speaking, the Artest foul was not that hard and did not seem blatant.

Wallace however thought differently and decided he was going to let Artest know about it, shoving both hands into Artest's chest and the fight was on. The two players strangely
calmed down somewhat and had backed off. The fans though would have no part of it and one drunken bum lobbed a cup of beer onto Artest and the fight was on, literally.

What followed was a free-for-all. Players in the stands punching fans, fans hurling beer, food and even chairs at players. It is a wonder that someone was not seriously injured. Afterwards the respective coaches told the press that it was the worse case of sports violence that they have ever seen. We have not gotten any solid response from the players yet.

Okay here is my two cents. All of those who threw punches were wrong and should face the consequences. Players should be suspended, and I don’t mean for a couple of games. Those directly involved should be thrown out for the rest of the season; Artest, Wallace, whoever. Fans who participated in the freak-out should be banned from the stadium and prosecuted for assault.

The sort of incident is so stupid, but not unbelievable. I really appreciate the comments of ESPN commentator Greg Anthony,a former player himself, when he said what could we expect when alcohol is made such a large part of what professional sporting events are.

I agree with Greg Anthony. I went to a New Orleans Saints game last year, and even though I enjoyed being there and especially spending some time with a good friend, I was shocked at how much alcohol was being sold there and how many people were guzzling the stuff. I mean when you get a stadium full of people together, who get so worked up over a stupid ballgame, and then add in the factor that a large majority of them are probably drunk as skunks, then you are asking for trouble. Sooner or later something like the Pacers-Pistons brawl has to happen.

In a broader view, our obsession with sports and entertainment is out of hand. Too many folks would rather watch a stupid ballgame, played by a bunch of overpaid, under worked, immature spoiled brats (and all pro athletes are not that way) than spend time with their families or even breath, and that my friends is not normal.

All I can say is, GET A LIFE……PLEASE!

Liberal is as liberal does

If there is one thing that you can count on a liberal to do consistently it’s being a wimp, and letting you knowing with all their whining.

One case in point, the Clinton library.

This past week, 30,000 people stood in a driving rain storm on the Riverwalk in Little Rock, Arkansas (a wonderful city by the way) to listen to several “gracious” speeches by former presidents Bush and Carter, our current President Bush, and of course the former pervert-in-chief Bill Clinton.

The news media and most of the talking heads heralded the event as a warming show of graciousness and coming together. I could almost hear the violins in the background as syrupy liberals said how moving it was that Slick Willie asked, “Am I the only person in the country who likes both George W. Bush and John Kerry and think they are both good men but just have different views?” Give me a break!

This is the same “former” president that just weeks ago, came out of recuperation following heart surgery to tell Americans what a liar and failure George W. Bush was. The is a person, who is a member of a political party that accused George W. Bush of being a traitor, a crook, a deserter and concocting the 911 attacks for personal gain. Now that they have lost, AGAIN, they want to be cordial and gracious.

What a bunch of disingenuous phonies!

But Clinton is not bitter. Even though in an interview with ABC’s Peter Jennings, he came unglued and showed his true colors, once again blaming the Republicans, the media and Ken Starr for all his problems. All of this, in spite of the fact that he was the one who lied to the American people, who lied in court and was impeached. UNBELIEVABLE AIN’T IT?

I have often said that there is a part of me, deep, deep inside that would like to like Bill Clinton. He is a personable, charismatic, seemingly pleasant person on the outside. But time and time again, Slick Willie himself brings me to my sense, where with his own words, he reminds me what a deceitful, selfish, self-absorbed sociopath he is.

Give him his stupid pathetic library, and maybe he will some day, just go away.