Rick Warren Joins Forces with Hinn, Copeland, Dollar and Jakes
Purpose Driven Pastor Rick Warren has agreed to speak at the Azusa Street Centennial, a week-long festival that kicked off today in Los Angeles.
The event is to mark the 100th anniversary of the "Azusa Street Revival," which is considered the start of the modern Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. According to a story from Agape Press,"more than 150 well-known Pentecostal leaders are scheduled to preach or teach, among them Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, and Creflo Dollar."
Pastor Bob Dewaay, who authored the book Redefining Christianity, and who was a guest recently on our radio program,says he "believes Christians need to start holding their leaders and pastors accountable -- and sometimes asking the hard questions. "Where's the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why isn't the gospel being preached?," he asks. "Rather than the gospel and sound biblical doctrine, we're having all these ecumenical meetings and experiences and bringing in everybody under the sun."
Pastor Dewaay added that if Rick Warren "wants to be America's pastor, then I think he better start standing up for sound doctrine -- not only in his own practice but those of the other people around him."
The evidence continues to present itself.