Friday, July 22, 2005

Where Have the Courageous Gone?

Sadly once again we have been shown an example of the spineless lack of courage of many public leaders.

This most recent shameful display was displayed with the indictment of two local police officers on sexual battery charges.

Some of you may know the story. A Vicksburg, Mississippi police officer, serving at a local high school as a “school resource officer”, was accused of having a sexual relationship with a student. The relationship continued until the officer involved broke it off, but not before introducing the female student to a fellow officer who then began having relations with her as well. A third officer reported the situation to his superiors, and an investigation was conducted.

From there the story runs through a gambit of denials by police and city leaders, and what appeared to be an attempt to cover up or gloss over the incident. Leaders said that no laws were broken so no legal action could be taken against the cops involved.

It wasn’t until some outraged citizens stepped to the plate (and the fact that we discussed it at length on our radio program)that actions was taken to right this terrible wrong. As of the writing, the two officers in question have been indicted, suspended without pay, and will await their trial later this year.

Now we have to muddle through all the politicians, who NOW want to get before the cameras and decry this great act of indecency perpetrated by two public servants of the police department and demand that justice be served and that our community deserves better. What a bunch of hooey!

It wasn’t but a few months ago, when these same “leaders” wanted to dodge this incident; they wanted to avoid the situation all together. We were told that no law was broken that they could not legislate morality, even if they did think that something wrong had been done. In fact, even the local District Attorney said the same thing. How strange it was, that myself and other citizens could look up the law, have Mississippi's Attorney General’s office give their opinion on the law, and determine that a law had be broken. The D.A. had to be forced to get an opinion and the city wanted to refuse to take any responsibility.

Just once, I would like to see a government, or civic leader step up to the microphone and say this is right or this is wrong, and stand by his convictions. Just once, I would like to see someone in authority, stand in the gap, and DO THE RIGHT THING, even if the written law states differently or states nothing at all. Just once I would like to see someone have some intestinal fortitude to stand strong, speak clearly and openly regardless of public perceptions or possible consequences.

I could respect a person like that and I could admire a person like that. But sadly, politicians act like politicians. Many of those so-called leaders hesitate to publicly and personally denounce the evils and injustices of this world, because many times, they too are involved in such behavior. Taking a public stand on issues of morality many times will draw attention to their own habitual behavior, and thus may cost them votes.

The Word of God says, “Having done all to stand, stand therefore” Ephesians 6:13,14.

I have asked it may times, and I will continue to ask, where are the courageous? God give us men and women who will stand, regardless.