Thursday, March 31, 2005

America Has Lost Its Soul!

Terri Schiavo died today. We can confidently say, that now, finally, Terri is healed. But what led up to her final hours on this earth, in this nation and among its culture, was without a doubt the clearest sign that America has lost it’s soul.

This nation has effectively said that life is not important, especially if you are a person who wants to live.

Her so-called “husband”, the United States judicial system and the apathetic and heathen American society effectively and successfully murdered Terri Schiavo.

Now that she has gone on, many politicians and pundits will say how sad and tragic this is. They will attempt to distance themselves from the blame for letting this young lady die a horrible death. They will attempt to do so, and shockingly, they will probably be successful in doing so.

The president, the legislature, the governor of Florida, the judicial system could have done more. But more than this, we all could have done more.

What can we say about our country and it’s people, when we will spend millions of dollars, go to extraordinary measures, establish law, and even physically intervene to save a tree, a fish an even a convicted murderer, but will allow, and even condone the starvation of an innocent woman.

Yes, America has lost its soul and God will most certainly judge our sin.

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.